Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Today we celebrated Thanksgiving with friends. I made: dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, and...chicken. No turkey. We were going to order one, but turns out one turkey (cooked) in China costs $90. Shannon was not okay with that, thus the chicken. Still, it was pretty darn good. The friends made the other favorites--cranberry, green beans, pumpkin pie. Yum.

I am thankful...(in no particular order)
1. that that our air-conditioners have the heater function and our apartment is much cozier this winter than last
2. for a special video we received this week
3. for Stringer Bell the Kitty that sleeps on my neck every single night and purrs me a lullaby
4. for the USA store called Charlie's that sells all kinds of Western foods (in particular a yummy hot chocolate mix)
5. for an endless list of Ethiopian blogs that shares so many amazing stories of hope and perseverance
6. that there's still one day of weekend left and I don't have to feel the Sunday blues quite yet
7. that my cold is finally gone and I sleep horizontally again
8. for my dryer
9. that the last of the books I ordered (for school) finally arrived
10. for our new computer that has a webcam
11. for the many events that we have to look forward to in the coming months
12. that Women's Warrior Weekend in Hong Kong is next week and is sure to be super fun and a great distraction
13. for my kitchen--it's pretty fabulous for Asia
14. that my husband keeps me laughing every single day
15. that in a few short hours we will be down to 2 hands

There are more, of course. There were 2 babies at our celebration (one Ethiopian), and I didn't feel sad. Really, just happy and blessed to get to play with and hold them. Our time is coming, and I'm thankful in advance.


Danni and Tommy said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Thinking of you...

Jennifer said...

Happy Thanksgiving to both of you!

Jennifer K said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Your positive attitude is wonderful. Counting the days with you.

JonesEthiopia said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. Good luck on the 2nd. I'm hoping for good news for both of us!