Sunday, November 15, 2009

15 months preggars and TV

We really began working on adoption in September 2008. You see, when we left Phuket to come to China, we were undecided about how long we would stay here. We had decided that if it were just for one year, then we would wait until the next summer (2009) to begin the adoption process. If, though, we decided to stay for a second (or more) year, then we could go ahead and begin. Well, we decided on the latter, and began the preliminaries right away. So, counting backwards, we're now in month 15.

New friend M, from IAG, recently found out that they didn't pass court, and it was re-scheduled for Dec. 11 (30 days later, which is now the norm). An extra month of waiting is an eternity. I was trying to help her think of ideas to help the time pass quickly, and she reminded me of my very favorite: television! China has a really great site for streaming tv shows, and I have become a huge fan--Youku. It has really been a lovely find. Please don't judge me for this long list. I'm still an avid reader and know in my brain that this tv thing can't last forever. And, to be fair, it has come and gone in spurts.

Fall 2008:
--Grey's Anatomy. I love this show--I really do. Back in the fall of 2008 I was dreadfully behind with television. Living abroad for four years pre-Youku-discovery really set us back. Thus, I had a bunch of seasons to catch up on with this show. And I loved every minute of it. It makes me feel good inside and laugh and cry in a cathartic way every single show.

Winter 2008-early 2009:
--Lost. I had previously not watched a single episode of this show, but friends in Phuket were hooked, and had told me about it (yeah, I know, a little late in the uptake). I was not impressed with the first season, but stuck with it and soon understood the world's obsession. When I think back to the-time-of-Lost I remember: freezing in our circle house, crazy kitty Rudy, hot chocolate, fun runs with Candice when I would try to convince her to watch the show, and the Paperchase. I was really sad when I finished the last season.

Winter/Spring 2009:
--How I met your Mother. This show is so frickin' funny. A bunch of my students watch it, so I am proud to be "in the know" with their oh-so-many references to aweomeness, wing men, bros, and wait-for-its. It's clever, well-written, with a fun narrative thread.

Spring 2009:
--Big Love. I think I blogged about this back when I was watching it. Fellow adoptive mom J turned me on to it, and it is so interesting! For a minute I was starting to think I understood polygamy a bit, but then I snapped back. Still paper-chasing at this point, and writing our autobiographies, I think.

--American Idol! The only other season I've watched fanatically was spring 2006 when we were in El Tigre. It provided us such entertainment during that time, and again this year. One of the greatest parts about this show is that you never have to wait long for the next episode. Then, they're constantly replaying them over the weekend just in case you missed one. I LOVED not having to wait.

--Medium. I don't know why I got into this show. I really like the family!

SUMMER 2009 TV LAPSE...I was reading! Oh, and we were glued to the CNN coverage of Michael Jackson. But this was certainly the summer of thinking about and planning for sweet Abrehet.

Fall 2009:
--The Wire. This show was our salvation after we found out that Abrehet had died. Since it happened during a week holiday, the rest of that holiday is one big blur of The Wire. And every weekend after for a while. We would put it on and watch show after show after show. Thank goodness we had all 5 seasons to watch. This show is really good, btw. Best bud B turned us on to it, and when I started asking about it, turns out a bunch of teachers like it too. Raw, dark, sad, but once you're hooked, you're hooked. We even named our kitty after bad/cool gangster Stringer Bell. He will protect us and take care of us. :)

--Breaking Bad. SO SO dark. And interesting--but really...just dark. Currently waiting for season 3.

--Dexter. We've tried to get into it, but basically hate it. Especially the voice-over. Currently abandoned.

--Mad Men. Also recommended by B. I'm watching this solo on Youku, and love it most of the time. I can't belive what just happened in 3x12. I never knew Betty would be able to do it...don't want to spoil it for anyone that hasn't seen it.

Currently looking for something new. Any reccomendations? Should I try Heroes? I like sprawling narratives with a bunch of drama. Oh--please try posting! I changed the settings and I think it will work now....

ps. Of course old Friends and the Simpsons, which play on Star Channel, are still constant companions during the week...


Jennifer K said...

Okay if you like Grey's Anatomy you probably will like Private Practice and the other two that have me hooked is Brothers and Sisters (Sally Field and Calista Flockhart) and then I watch Biggest Loser...yeah reality tv show that got me hooked. Hope you are doing well.

Michelle said...

This is great! We've watched about 1 1/2 seasons of Heroes and like it. I was actually thinking maybe we'll finish that when we are done with Lost. It's hard not to just spend our whole evenings in front of Youku!

Jennifer said...

This is a funny post because I know exactly what you mean! I've never been a TV watcher, but now... well... :-) My two favorites now are Bones and Leverage. Bones is a little more mainstream, and Leverage is just awesome- love it! My two mainstream shows are CSI Miami, and NCIS, but the other two are by far my favorites.

JJ said...

I do not get a chance to watch TV at all anymore but I agree with Jenn, The Biggest Loser is awesome. It's so motivating to just work hard in general, it doesn't have to be weight loss. The other show that my husband and I used to watch together when we were actually home together every night (he's in the military) was The Amazing Race. I love traveling and I love watching how different people work together (or not so much) under pressure. Another one would be SO You Think You Can Dance (or dancing with the stars probably too). In my mind, I can. I love watching people who can dance well. Another, very motivating show. It makes me want to take dancing lessons with my husband, oops I just remembered I married someone with 2 left feet and no desire what-so-ever to take dancing lessons. (And he would be the first to admit it!!!) Watch TV now while you can, in a month or 2, you'll forget you even have one!! =)

Sara said...

I am addicted to Law and Order: SVU! They are on season 11 so there are plenty of back episodes to watch to keep you busy for a long time!

JonesEthiopia said...

I like "Lie to Me."