Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Countdown with a Twisted Twist

Countdowns are supposed to end with something great, right? Like...the countdown to my 16th birthday. J and I counted down for half a year for this! And the day of, woahla! I got my license and we drove around like maniacs all day until we ran out of gas. I do countdowns with my students all the time--we're currently at 18 school days until Christmas holiday. Of course there were also the countdowns to: my wedding, the day we left El Tigre forever, holidays, races, concerts...and each one ended with the exact thing I was expecting and brought something really good.

Except...this one might not. Actually, it's anyone's guess how it will turn out--a crap shoot, luck of the draw. If it's good news, it will be one of the best days of my life. If it's bad news, it won't be one of the worst, but it will be one more take-a-big-breath-and-figure-out-how-to-keep-going.

To be honest, this makes me mad. I want this countdown to be worth something. I have made it through 21 days of counting and have 7 to go, and really really want this one to end with something good. But...I must prepare myself for another scenario.

In any case, 7 days = 1 week. I can do that in my sleep.


Jennifer said...

Your description is amazing. You made me feel those feelings all over again, and the tension headache even started creeping in.

I have no good words because... well... frankly, there really aren't. It's a big countdown to a yes or no. Ugh! You say it so much more eloquently than I. 7 more days and you'll know. Lots of people are definitely counting down with you.