Saturday, May 23, 2009

House huntin'

I've acquired a new obsession just when my previous ones started to get old: looking for new digs. It has been a strange process figuring out how to go about this, but now I know--I have to do it myself. Which is fine, because that way I am Totally. In. Charge. I was first under the impression that I must wait for my oh-so-powerful-school to make all the arrangements, but alas, I was deceived. You know what they say, right? In order to do something right...really? Have I turned into that person?

So, in a few short minutes I will go meet mystery real estate person C and look at what seems to be Perfect on Paper. "Open Kitchen" is even part of the description. What? In China? Plus, the complex has a sweet pool and is close to my school. Fingers crossed.

Of course, along with searching for a new place I have also had to think about decorating it. I believe this may be called nesting. I have an intense desire to paint Baby Girl's room, find soft stuff and make it pretty. Mind you, I have not been able to really do this (decorate/settle) for 4 years. We have had a total "on the move" mentality, and that unfortunately has meant little to no wall hangings, 3 pots only, and suitcases nearby in case we need to jet. Now, I don't care about that. I don't care if we will be in this new place for one year only. It will be Baby Girl's first home with us, and it has to be nice. I have resolved to keep simplicity at my core, but I'm ready for the Next Step. Now, how to get Husband on board?


Anderson Crew said...

If you move before she comes home, you will have to have your homestudy updated. Something to think about...
