Thursday, February 26, 2009

Is Shannon a polygamist?

The answer is NO, thank goodness! But...we were wondering for a few days. T, our paper helper, has been trying all week to find his divorce decrees, to no avail.* When asked to provide the dates and counties of his divorces, Shannon came up blank. Eventually he "remembered" the YEAR (no month--the year itself was a struggle), and provided the counties where he thought they were filed, and T (and the county clerk) found nothing! This was a little disturbing. Then he proceeds to tell me that for #1 he doesn't remember signing a marriage certificate, and that his ex-wife's brother performed the ceremony. Cause for pause. Then, he says for #2, his lawyer told him he didn't need to show up for court, so there's no proof (although I'm sure he received something along the way in the mail) that it went through. Things that make you go hmmmm....

Fortunately, T turns out to be somewhat of a sleuth and looked up a map of counties in Oklahoma. She picked several surrounding his original guesses, and lo and behold, the decrees exist. Whew! Another hurdle overcome. Unexpected, but nevertheless.

Speaking of polygamy, I must mention a newly-found-TV show-to-me, Big Love. It is interesting. Check it out if you are so inclined. Some of you (Mom and Dad!) would hate it.


Anderson Crew said...

We don't have cable anymore but I found that show to be fascinating...there is also a special that was done about multiple wives and they showed the "traditional" aspects, what we think of the large ranch and child brides and the comtempary where everyone meets and dates and votes as a family...fascinating!
(I think that show was "secret lives of women" they did a different topic everyweek)

Anderson Crew said...

The Obama shirts are out at all the street shops, just tell the driver on the day you go shopping and he should be able to take you there, if it is a place Americans can't go then he might go get it for you if you guys all want some, just give him sizes...but his English isn't GREAT so don't make the order too complicated.

JamCamTurner said...

I can't stop watching Big Love. Just when I hate it, I have to find out what happens next. It's strangely addictive.