Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tired of waiting

I am. Today, especially.

We live in a very Chinese apartment complex. There are nice gardens, a pool, and a pond with a bridge over it right downstairs that we can see from our balcony--it's lovely. In the early evening, all the grandparents and some of the moms and dads venture outside, toting their little ones. The toddlers amble around wherever they want, and the guardian closely follows behind, fanning the precious child (or babe) the whole time. Today, as I was walking back from getting a foot rub, I saw a new mom and her nanny carefully caring two little babies. The mom spoke English (!) and told me they were twins, and "one months" old. This means that it very well could have been one of the babies' first trips outside the apartment, as the Chinese do not think mother and baby should leave the apartment for at least one month. I asked the mom if it was a lot of work having twins, and she said "YES. Extremely tired, especially at night."

So--I've missed that part. Some people point that out as a good thing, but I would gladly go without sleep to have her here already. Our baby girl turns three months this week. Who knows what kind of amazing things she's doing now, and we're missing it. During the week she's on my mind, but I have loads of activities and work to keep that part of my brain otherwise occupied. Over the weekend is when we want her here, NOW. We often wake up in the morning and talk about what we would do if she were here. What we will do.

In the evenings, we'll be downstairs. Fan and all.


Danni and Tommy said...

Thinking of you. Such a difficult time.

Where you live sounds lovely.

Anderson Crew said...

The waiting and watching them grow through photos is so hard indeed! Can't wait to hear about your adventures when she comes home and see pics!

Jennifer said...

Waiting when we know who are children is so very much harder than just the initial wait.

I read your words and feel your pain well as it echos my own. I imagine you too are counting down the days until court opens. Perhaps we'll travel together. I am hoping you hear something in the next couple of weeks!