Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July in China waiting for Baby Girl

Poor Shannon woke up with a sore throat today, so we had a quick change of Independence Day plans. From hearty American food (buffalo chicken and potato salad), to Indian (creamy Tikka chicken and eggplant dip). I thought the spicy would help cure Shannon. It was also inspred by my homemade yogurt that I made yesterday/last night. Delish! It is hard to find real yogurt here in China, and it's expensive. Just like cheese. That will be my next project.

No real news on Baby Girl. We think that she is at one of our agency's care centers, waiting on the results of the medical. Every morning I wake up at 6 am thinking, "Today could be it! Stay alert for the phone call!" Or, if that doesn't happen, I think maybe they bypassed the phone call so I hold my breath while opening Gmail (provided that Google isn't blocked that morning. Still holding my breath.

Our friends here that started the process with us passed court this week! They will picking up little T at the end of this month or the first week of August. This makes me happy and a tiny bit sad as we would have most likely been on the same time frame with Baby A. Still, I'll be very excited to meet their little one when they get back to China.

Even if we had stuck to our 4th of July fare, we still would have missed the fireworks. You would think that I would have had my fill during Chinese New Year, but I still miss them. Or maybe it's just the people I miss, as we skipped our annual trip back to the USA. Sniff. xoxoxo and happy 4th!


Granjan said...

Hope Shannon is better. Wish you had been with us in our Fourth of July golf cart parade--lots of fun! Still praying for the 3 of you.