Monday, April 6, 2009

New hobbies while we wait...


1. Kung Fu. So far I've only had one class, but I'm pretty sure I am a natural. involves a lot of choreograph-type-moves, which is not my strongest asset since I never had any kind of dance class in my life. And, being slightly competitive I always think I can push the limits a little too far, which resulted in extremely sore hamstrings for about 3 days (I was trying to kick as high as the instructor).

2. Guitar. I bought Shannon a guitar this weekend. He's always talking about how he wants to be able to rock out, so I decided to help him get started. It's been fun for me too, and takes me back to highschool days when all my friends and I were trying to learn how to play. Some were actually quite successful. I've realized that the internets makes learning how to play songs a lot easier and more fun. Shannon has already learned one song! ("Horse with no Name"). I'm also buying a keyboard off of some teachers who are leaving this year, so soon we will be a duo. Fun times.

3. Looking at apartments online. I found a few websites for Shenzhen rentals that I've been checking out. We (I) want to move next year. Our Shagadelic pad has run its course. I'm not sure if this will really happen, but it's fun to look at places. I've seen some wild Asian decor already (worse than ours). I just really want a warmer apartment to bring our little one home to...there's only so much one can do to a blue/orange/red color-schemed living room.

4. Coaching Track and Field. It's been a while since my ol' track days...I forgot how fun it is to be out there.

5. Baking with mulberries. Love love love my itty bitty oven.

So, those are the hobbies that come to mind at the moment. I imagine we'll drop some and add some more before picking up Baby Girl. She may even come home to a decoupaged bedroom. :)


Auntie Lana said...

You and Shannon could start a traveling band and sing at all the csi high school dances. You would be way cool.

Lindsay Lyon said...

What's csi? All I can think of is "Crime Scene Investigation." Or did you mean CHS--Crowley High School? OH--maybe you meant QSI. ??

bdavisnoll said...

Wow, I bought David a guitar this year too (for his birthday)! It was his new years resolution two years in a row to learn the guitar, so I figured I better buy him the tools he needed for that... he uses all these sites from Russia to learn since the copyright police shut down the US-based website. Fun times! If I had musical ability I would try to join the band, but I don't! I'll be the groupie. --Bethany

Carrie said...

Hey, how was the home study? Do you guys have a court date yet?

Barbara Ransom said...

Hi Guys! Glad things are progressing along :) I recently read two parenting books recommended by a therapist the girls are seeing - and they really helped me - and even helped me in the classroom. They are called "How to talk so kids will listen and Listen so Kids will talk." AND "Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child." You should check them out while you have time - aside from your other new hobbies. Sounds like life is getting better all the time.

Rosalina said...

Hi Miss Lindsay! I saw that you had a blog on your "about me" page on Facebook and decided to check it out! Just wanted to wish you all the best with your adoption and to keep us QSI Phuket students updated more often! Hope you and Mr. Shannon are well.



JamCamTurner said...


Good luck with the kung fu choreography. I wish I was there to help! :0)


Lindsay Lyon said...

Well, Kung Fu was cancelled, unfortunately. Sad.