Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Turning 30 and my Big Idea

Around this time last year I made a goal: in one year, I would get my BIG IDEA.

As a Generation X-or-Y-er (I get to choose), I'm both gifted and plagued by possibilities and uncertainties. Shannon and I are always thinking about what's next...which country will we move to next, which career will we seamlessly slide into after teaching, which holiday we will plan next, which diploma/class I "need" next, etc. It's exciting and brings hope when we begin to feel bogged down by a monotonous schedule. This outlook on life is particularly suited to my personality, or so says my dad. He says that as an ENFP (Myers-Briggs personality test) I need to keep my options open for any opportunity that may come my way.

So, setting a due date for my BIG IDEA was a bit risky. I actually started stressing out about it already in about April of last year. At that time, only 11 months to go. And now it's here: The Ides of March. The day I turn 30.

Originally I thought my B.I was a business idea or plan that would set us up for life. Or, maybe I would discover my true passion and/or calling in life. While I really do like teaching a lot, and feel I'm pretty good at it, I still wonder. Should I have gone to med school? Law school? Was I meant to be something else? Of course, there's always time to switch...

Thankfully, I'm at ease at the Day approaches. Not only did I (we) get a Big Idea, we're making that Big Idea a reality this year, God willing. Our Big Idea (again, God willing) will yield us with both a child and a passion for Africa for the rest of our lives. BIG IDEA--check!


Anderson Crew said...


I am turning 30 later this year too, and also have a check list of sorts....I have until September!

JamCamTurner said...

Love it! So very inspiring.